Event Details

  • October 17, 2024 
  • 6 PM (try to arrive early!)
  • Pele Soccer Store at 532 Lincoln Rd, Miami Beach, FL 33139 

Parking Available

Miami Beach Parking Garage 640 17th St, Miami Beach, FL 33139

Rules and Restrictions:

Your ticket includes admission into the event, an authentically signed Signable with Certificate of Authenticity, photo with athlete on your smart phone, and a one minute speaking opportunity with Facundo! 

The event will start at 6 PM EST on October 17th sharp! Please arrive at least 15 minutes early to get your spot in line! 

Customers will get in line, meet Facundo, and receive their authentically signed Signable and Certificate of Authenticity. Fans can take pictures with Facundo and spend a minute asking him all their dire questions. 

The event will close at 7 PM EST. If you have purchased a ticket and do not come to the event you will foreight your spot in line and the authentically signed Signable. We do not ship to customers; you must be at the event to receive your ticket deliverables. If you show up after the closing time mentioned above you will not be able to meet the Facundo but you can still receive your signed item.